Privacy Policy

WINGMATE (hereinafterreferred to as "we" or "us") takes the utmost care torespect your privacy and assume its responsibilities with regard to theprocessing of personal data when you use the AMATA Application (hereinafterreferred to as "the Application") under the conditions set out in theGeneral Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as "the Terms of Use").


This PersonalData Protection Policy (the "Privacy Policy") informsyou about how we process your personal data when you use the Application.


In accordance withcurrent regulations, the purpose of this Privacy Policy is to inform you about thecollection, use and, more generally, the processing of your personal data.


Last update: January 16, 2024




We only collect personaldata that is necessary for the purpose for which it is processed. Thecompulsory nature of the information is indicated on the collection form whenyou register or modify your information.


These data are as follows:


-     Identificationdata, such as yourfirst and last name;


-     Contactdetails, such as your e-mail address and telephone number;


-     Informationyou enter on the Application, such as all the information youtransmit to the AI. In this respect, and in accordance with the Terms of Use,you are reminded that you are asked not to communicate any information likelyto be of a sensitive nature or of a special category;


-     Geolocation data, i.e. thelocation data of the smartphone on which the Application is used;


-     Connectiondata,such as information on the hardware and software of your smartphone or tablet,as well as connection data to a wifi server enabling internet use by thetelescope. This information includes your IP address, device type and model,browser type and device identification. This information is used for the properfunctioning of the Application and the telescope, to maintain its quality andfor general statistical purposes, and to meet our legal and regulatoryobligations.


Allor part of this personal data is obtained when you :

-       use the Application in particular by means ofinformation that you provide directly either in the course of your interactionswith AI or in the course of your interactions with other Users;

-       fill in this information via the Application,e-mail, post or form;

-       send us your comments or questions;

-       and more generally, by any other means bywhich you contact us.




The personal data wecollect is processed in accordance with the regulations in force to meetexplicit, legitimate and specific purposes, either on the basis of the Terms ofUse, or to meet a legal and/or regulatory obligation, or subject to your prior consent,or on the basis of our legitimate interest. These purposes are as follows:


·       Allow youto benefit from the Service offered by the Application


We collect and use yourpersonal data to enable us to provide the Service we offer via the Application.In particular, this data is processed in order to:

-      manage your Account creation request,

-      provide the Service and enable interactionwith other Users;

-      enable us to offer the Services best suitedto your interests;

-      provide assistance.


Useof the Service requires that you authorize the geolocation of the smartphone onwhich the Application is installed, in particular in order to promotegeographically relevant matchmaking and reinforce the security of Users againstany abusive or illicit use.


Beforeusing the Application for the first time, you will be asked whether you wish togive your express prior consent to be geolocated. You may, at any time, withdrawyour permission to be geolocated by changing the settings on your device. To doso, simply modify the settings by following the procedure suggested by your manufacturerand the version installed on your system.


Giventhe diversity of devices and operating systems available, please consult yourdevice's operating instructions on the day you wish to change these settings.


The main legal basesfor this processing are the execution of the Terms of Use and, whereapplicable, your consent.


·       Inform youabout our services and manage our relationship with you


Your personal data isalso essential to us in the context of our interactions with you, particularlyin the context of your use of the Application. We may use your personal data toinform you of the products and services we offer, provided that we have obtainedyour prior consent to receive such information.


If you no longer wishto receive special promotional information, advertisements or other messagesfrom us, you can click on the link at the bottom of the e-mail to unsubscribe. Fortechnical reasons, we need a reasonable amount of time to process your request,and you may receive a few messages in response to your request while we processit.


In order to ensurethe quality of our services and to improve them, we also compile generalstatistics, which are anonymized when the processing of your personal data doesnot appear necessary.


The main legal basesfor this processing are your consent and our legitimate interests.


·       To enableus to improve our Service and the operation of AI


The information youcommunicate to us is essential for the proper functioning of AI, whoseperformance depends on the nature of interactions between users. In thisrespect, and in order to facilitate the operation of the Service, it isessential for us to be able to carry out analyses on the data transmitted bymeans of AI.


In this respect, youare reminded that the Service does not constitute a private correspondenceservice and that you are invited to use any other means to respect the strictconfidentiality of your exchanges with the Company.


The main legal basisfor this processing is our legitimate interests.


·       Securing the Application


We ensure the securityof your personal data, as well as the personal data of third parties, againstany fraudulent access, use or disclosure by implementing enhanced dataprotection through the use of appropriate physical and logical technicalsecurity measures in order to guarantee the integrity of your data, as well asits confidential and secure processing.


However, we wouldlike to remind you that no security system is infallible, and we cannotguarantee that your information is totally secure.


The main legal basisfor this processing is our legitimate interest.


·       Meetingour legal and regulatory obligations


As part of theoperation of the Application, we are bound by various legal and regulatoryobligations involving the storage of your personal data. This data may also beused to identify the authors of illegal content.




We only process your personaldata for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy.


To this end, we can callon :


-       or trusted partners acting as subcontractorsin order to be able to provide you with all the services offered on the Application,in particular to host your data, to send you an e-mail, to assist you in using theApplication or to help us carry out statistical analyses;


-       or trusted partners working for scientific andanalytical purposes in connection with the development of our services and theoperation of AI. In such cases, the third party has no access to your personaldata.


In any event, thesethird parties are contractually prohibited from using the personal data wetransmit to them for any purpose other than that for which they have beenmandated, and they are required to maintain the security and confidentiality ofyour information with a level of protection equal to or greater than that whichwe implement.


We will disclose yourpersonal data without notice only :

-      if required by current regulations,

-      if such disclosure is necessary to complywith applicable law or regulation, legal process and/or administrative or courtorder;

-      to protect and defend our rights or property orthat of our partners;

-      more generally, to act in urgentcircumstances to protect the personal safety of Application Users or thirdparties.




We will only retain yourpersonal data for as long as is necessary for the purposes described in thisPrivacy Policy, unless otherwise required by law.


By way of example, wekeep your Account data for a period of five (5) years from the closure of your Account,unless the law requires that certain data be kept for a shorter period.


By way of exception, this data may be archived to manage ongoing claimsand disputes, to meet legal and/or regulatory obligations and/or to respond torequests from authorities authorized to make such requests.




WINGMATE is a Frenchcompany and data is processed on European territory.


As part of theprovision of the Service and the operation of the Application, we may transferyour personal data to countries outside the European Union which have not beenthe subject of an adequacy of protection decision by the European Commission.


In this case, weensure that the transfer is carried out in accordance with the regulations inforce by taking all appropriate measures and under conditions and legal,technical and operational guarantees to ensure the confidentiality and securityof such data.




In accordance withcurrent regulations, you have the right to access, object to, rectify anddelete your personal data, as well as the right to limit the processing carriedout, to portability and to define the fate of your data in the event of yourdeath, subject to legal and regulatory obligations requiring us to retain it.The exercise of some of these rights may prevent us from providing you with accessto the Application and/or from using all or part of the services offeredtherein.


These rights may beexercised by contacting us at the following address ,providing proof of your identity.


You have the right tolodge a complaint with the supervisory authority responsible for ensuringcompliance with obligations relating to personal data. You are informed thatsuch authority is the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés(CNIL) for France.


Lastly, please notethat we may be required to disclose your personal data, under the conditionslaid down by law, to a duly authorized judicial or administrative authority.




We may, at any timeand from time to time, make changes to this Privacy Policy, in particularbecause we are developing our services and/or because current regulationsrequire us to do so: these changes will then apply to personal data collectedafter the effective date indicated in the Privacy Policy and we will inform youof this via a notice on the Application or any other means.


In any event, werecommend that you consult this Privacy Policy regularly to obtain the latestinformation on our privacy practices.


The most recentversion of the Privacy Policy is that of the date indicated at the end of thisdocument.